༄ Happy MOnth of May & Happy Full Moon ༄

Beloved friends! Happy month of May  & Happy Full Moon!

Thank you so much for being alive, for being part of my life's journey in so many ways!

Greece is slowly stepping out of the quarantine but still, no one knows what this new reality will be like. What I hear from many is the struggle of the inner war between the mind and the heart.

The mind is afraid, wants to act, to predict, to go back to the "normal" past or project in a "normal " future. The heart wants to open, to trust, to love.

༄ Mother's day Primordial Mantra ༄

Ma is the first word we say. Ma-Ma is recognized from almost every human being in the world as the name we give to our first shelter. Our mother.

{Ma-Ma is a primordial mantra that I use in my teachings and connects us with Mother Love.}

Becoming a mom, 17 years ago was and is the greatest gift of my life. No matter the difficulties, the struggles, the work it needs to be a mother I would never change it as it taught me first of all to love my own mother unconditionally and to give her only gratitude. For she gave me life.